The Big A

I am going to be a BIG SISTER...

Nope, I am not pregnant {not that I know of}

That 'something special' we are saving for is Adoption! I went back and forth rather or not to let the whole wide world (the 3.5 people that read my blog) know or not. I was scared, what if we get declined, what if we do not pass the home-study, what if it takes 10 years? You know the quote, "Raising a child takes a village." Well from what I have learned thus far so does just the adoption process. The Lord has nudged Matt and I to go forward and we are bringing you along for the ride, where ever it may turn.

We always knew that we wanted to adopt but we never seriously prayed about or pursued it, we just always thought it was for down the road, when we were settled (that is out the window), when we had more money (ummm...never), when this, when that. {Kind of like we thought having kids was down the road...then Sadie came. Did I have a life before Sadie? I am sure I did but I can't imagine it. She has brought us so much joy....isn't she cute, she needs someone to play with, right!}

Back to the big A, adoption. I grew up with out a dad and have learned the struggles and pains it can cause. (not just in the moments of desiring love but how it subconsciously affects you and relationships down the road). Through this I have truly understood why God desires a family to be the way he designed it. There are millions of orphans out there that have it a lot worse then I did growing up and I want to help. They do not have a father nor a mother. Some live in orphanages that can barely feed and care for them.

We do not know the 5w's and h, but we have started eagerly praying and seeking direction. We are open to His timing, putting ourselves out there for Him to use. We have no idea what we are doing when it comes to the process, but we have to start somewhere; right? We know it may take years for the application, paperwork and saving up money. But we also know that God's timing is what we want. We are praying for Him to lead and lend us some of his precious kids for our family!

We have started researching the process, requirements and looking for organizations that will work with US citizens overseas {we know it may not be His timing while we are here in Corsica and that is ok, too} And we have especially started praying for God to provide a way financially. We have seen other families who have gone through he process in awe as God provided funds from the most unexpected places. We will answer His Call to take care of the orphans and Trust in His Provision. Let me just cut to the chase, one of the main reasons that we decided to share on the world wide web is because we need your help. We need your prayers and your spare change. We have started a small fund from our savings (aka + Tax return) of $4500 in a bank account.  I have some ideas bouncing around in my head and I have been looking into Grants. If you have any ideas and something that has work for you, pass them along!

If you are going through the process or might be at some point, let us know so we can join with you in prayer. I will try and share Good links and helpful information along the way.

Steven Curtis Chapman has a very helpful site for just beginning, Here.{} Lots of info!

and here is a post from {who has adopted 6 children} about funding adoption.

And We are working our way through this Funding_Your_Adoption_2007...really good advice!

J and E  – (February 24, 2010 at 2:28 PM)  

My heart is so excited for you guys! As I have seen some dear friends and family adopt recently, I have become so aware of how incredibly precious and beautiful this process is. It will be a long journey, but an oh so fulfilling one! I can't wait to hear more! (and I love your blog...keep it coming!)

Anonymous –   – (February 24, 2010 at 5:04 PM)  

So excited! We will be praying for you all. It's challenging and one of the greatest growing processes you'll go through as a family - worth it all. Just think about how much OUR adoption cost the Father? Amazing.... and we got a SCChapman grant to being Felicity home and it was such a huge encouragement :) Keep us updated!!

Shan  – (February 24, 2010 at 10:07 PM)  

kelly! I am so excited and thrilled for you! This is going to be great! I know you have a hard long road ahead of you but also an amazing beautiful road!
Praying for you guys!!!

Marissa  – (February 25, 2010 at 8:18 AM)  

We're actually working on getting our homestudy done soon! There's so much paperwork that we're working on getting notarized (that's super difficult because you need an American notary) but the Lord is working everything out beautifully! We don't have the money and have no idea where it's going to come from ,but we figure if the Lord convicts us that it's something he wants us to do, he will provide. Check out celebrate children international...most of the adoption agencies won't work with families overseas (we found out through trial and error) but this group specializes in it! We're thrilled to have y'all on the journey with us! :P

Hannah  – (February 25, 2010 at 10:44 AM)  

That's soooo exciting, Kelly! I'll be praying for you guys!!

sarahcarlock  – (February 26, 2010 at 3:14 PM)  

You have our prayers and support! Very exciting! - sarah c.

sojournerdiaries  – (February 27, 2010 at 8:49 AM)  

this is great news Kelly! I am so excited to see how your journey progresses!! looking into that coffee! It'd be great to get the real deal over here-we're surviving on instant-yuck!

Rachel Blackwell  – (February 27, 2010 at 10:51 AM)  

That is so awesome Kelly!!! So excited for you guys! What and incredible blessing!

Amy Zacek Cook –   – (February 27, 2010 at 3:13 PM)  

Ya'll are in our prayers, good luck, and God bless!!

Ashley  – (February 28, 2010 at 8:44 PM)  

This is wonderful! So excited to hear about what God is doing. I pray for open doors and discernment as you grow your family.

Davenports  – (March 7, 2010 at 1:40 PM)  

Very exciting! I can't wait to hear what God does through this process. :)

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Wild Olive Tees
Grace is our only Hope

Augustine: For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.

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