Congrats Sara
My lovely Co-worker, Sara 'what the' Heck, has made CLA, Campus Life Association, President!! How did I get so lucky to work next to someone so Brilliant?
why doesnt anyone every comment..............
My lovely Co-worker, Sara 'what the' Heck, has made CLA, Campus Life Association, President!! How did I get so lucky to work next to someone so Brilliant?
why doesnt anyone every comment..............
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haha!! I comment. Well I at least look at your site. I watched the video of little Sadie yesterday, she is precious.
Like I always say, we need to hang out more!!
Um, ok, it's not cool that I told you about Pyzam and now you have a cooler background than I do!!
Congrats Sara, you will make one heck of a president. (I am hilarious)