little ballerina
I am a sucker for little girls in ballerina tutus and slippers. So when I took Zoe to practice the other day I had to snap a few shots.
Zoe & Zander
Here are a few pics I took while I was over at the Minor's. They Have such cute children. Please remember to lift their family up in prayer, Sharon's mom has had some major health issues recently.
Little Gym Birthday
Zander had his 6th Birthday at the Little Gym. They had two instructors there that played games with the kids and showed them how to use the different equipment. Here are some of my favorites but you can click HERE for all of them as well as the rest of the Miner kids photos that I took for fun at their house the other day. This was a really cute little girl Sadie's age.
One day last weekend Matt, Sadie and I had a date at Northpoint coffee shop in Sausalito. It was a beautiful, sunny, 'california' day and you could walk along the water behind the shop. So pretty. Sadie tried to get all the rocks.
Isn't he a stud!
Now that Sadie is walking, there have been a lot more tears. The other day she ran smack dab into the corner of the wall going into our hallway. You can see the line all the way down her face. The next day it turned purple...poor girl.
Just wanted to share some cute pictures of Mara (3 1/2 months) and Sadie. It was pretty difficult taking a picture with one hand and the other hand making sure Sadie didn't grab her face.
Just Beautiful!
Happy Birthday Lila
My new coffee mug
Shan & Drew you will enjoy this...
Today, I borrowed a coffee mug from the Registrar's office because the one that I normally use is at the cleaners. AKA, I left it at home.
As I was heading back to my office, I glanced at the mug and felt God talking to me, lol
This is what the Mug had on it:
"Good Morning, This is God. I will be handling all you problems today. I will not need your help. So, have a good day. I love you"
(Drew and Shan like unique coffee mugs)
walking and walking
Sadie has official taken the leap into Bigger and better things....she is walking! Once you gain enough confidence and realized how much easier it was them crawling...there was no stopping her!
Read more...Love is in the Air....
Bryce Hung out with me and Sadie all day to is so much fun to watch them together...he will tackle Sadie and give her kisses! (Sorry Lydia)
Friday Morning Thoughts
FRIDAY MORNING THOUGHTS, aka FMTs started a year or so ago....when I decided to live as a Set Apart Girl. I wanted more then just offering Sunday mornings and occasional prayers to the Lord. In order to do this I think that it is important to walk humbly with those around you, seeking christian advice and encouraging each other. So if you are reading this, it is because I know you too desire to live a life of total surrender to Jesus. So please join me in my walk...
Here was the very first post and a little about me (Nov. 2008)....
All this talk about Advent Conspiracy, What would Jesus Buy and the poverty/relational messages that I have heard at Hillside and from Eric Bryant, has really opened my eyes to the kind of life I want to live...who I want to follow. Jesus and not the world.
My mom raised me and my 2 siblings as a single Mom and really struggled. She ran away from my Dad when I was young due to abuse and found refuge in a Women's Shelter (My heart has longed for so long to go back to that shelter that took us in, I still have memories of our time there) This is how we ended up in the town I was raised in but it wasn't all glory from there. I love my mom and I praise Him that she is a Christian but my mom wasnt/isnt perfect. We moved from one rent house to another, one school to another and naturally my mom suffered from depression. She could not give us the life that she really desired, too. At least she thought, because she gave me the best lessons and the greatest examples I have ever learned. Hardwork and how to live without. We did go to a few churches but the demands of Life, unfortunately, took priority. (we had it backwards, first seek him and everythign will fall into place! Matt 6:33) We were blessed to have family and friends that would step in, love us, help pay bills, give us shelter at times and pray for us. We were NEVER without necessities. God is Good. Unfortunately, I do not think that it is always this way. There were also people around us that lived comfortably and didn't even glance next door. Because I know the joy in being helped, I do not want overlook those around me or anybody Christ desire for me to reach out to, I want eyes like Christ to see needs around me. Especially when I been blessed everything I need and more.
As Matt and I move around and following the Lord, I want him to choose where we live, what house, what neighborhood. I do not want to be consumed with finding comfortably or approval from the world. I feel called to live among people and not in front of people. I pray that God to will bring me to a place in my Live of totally dependence on Him, even if this brings on discomfort and pain. A place where only HIS Glory can shine through. ...where whatever is done with my life can only point to Him because out of my own strength it could have been done.
That is my prayer, for God to reveal for me what I can do, now. I know that it is much easier said then done and often we get on 'emotional/spiritual highs' that too quickly fade out. I want to run long distance for the Lord and not just sprints. God lead me daily, reveal to me your presence and allow the Holly Spirit to walk ahead of me, every second, every step. Reveal to me those infront of me that could use the knowledge of your love. Those that can use a physical need, those who just need eternal knowledge or both!
Christmas is coming.....
I had a peppermint flavored chocolate bar today and it filled me with memories of Christmas. I love Christmas time, especially getting together with people. I want to share something that really moved me...Thanks for introducing this to me, Hannah and Shannon. It is beautiful and my heart yearns for people to realize how silly our American Culture can be, or should I say how far we take it. I pray that we come back to heart of Christmas and celebrate our gift of salvation by giving our self and time. Click here for Advent Conspiracy