Brotherly Love
We are getting closer and closer to the day we get to meet our next child...and you can imagine what some days are like. LONG. Though we do not know what sex or even the age of the toddler, we are trying to prepare as much as possible. There is a salvation army type thing here every few months, so I go a stock up on some 1euro clothing! Since we have girl clothes, I normally just buy boy things and if that doesn't work we will just donate it to the orphanage, so it works out perfect....and it helps us get more and more excited! Of course Sadie being the busybody that she is and the fashionable little girl must try on all the cloths....I eventually had to get a safety lock for her closet.. 6 outfits a day, her 'brother's cloths', hats, was enough.
She loves taking about her brother and how she will play with him, and she says she will share...we shall see. I can't wait to share these memories with Him, knowing all the prayers that have been made for Him. Thinking of her and seeing her pray for her brother, always reminds me to pray for mine. Though we do not see each other often nor did we have a lot in common growing up...we did share the same house and now can relate on many know how that goes. So bro-bro (I hated when mom made me call you that), we love you and are praying for you despite the distance.
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
My Brother....hummmmm